Turning with the precipitant alarm
Into each other, we sleepily kiss
Before you rise in the pointillist dawn
As the light crystallizes in the air.
Now you stretch nakedly and statuesque,
Dab the babbling clock still, ‘til soon I hear
The jolting of the pipes from the shower,
Your splashing and the cistern’s gentle hiss.
Now you pad downstairs and breakfast briefly,
Spoon clinks dish as you lean by the heater;
Junoesque, you drip-dry, wrapped in your towel,
Which is oh, so carelessly cast aside
As you rematerialize back upstairs
And sit on the bed before the mirror.
Only now, yawning, do you light the lamp
As we murmur our dreams to each other.
Then the rapid massaging all over
Of moisturizer, deft application
Of hairbrush, make-up and touch of perfume
Chosen to chime with the day’s smart ensemble.
At once, you gracefully launch yourself
Into tiny knickers and matching bra
And toss on a tissue blouse bravura,
Arms entering sleeves simultaneously.
Yes - how that last always strangely thrills me!
Next comes today’s smart suit and heels and then,
With a shimmy and a glance in the glass,
You’re finished - and in under half an hour.
You’re no less than alchemized before me
And I’m just hypnotized here before you:
Adoring you, my love - and loving this -
That lingeringly special goodbye kiss.
It’s Lisa’s birthday today so this is for her. The picture is one of my favourites and seems to encapsulate the essential Lisa.
A domestic scene which I appreciate more these days, enjoying, as I do, the luxury of weekday lay-ins. Lisa is one of those people who spring out of bed at 6.15 am Monday to Friday without so much as a syllable of complaint. A team of wild horses is needed at the weekend, mind you…
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